Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I resolve...

To blog more in the new year. People are still dropping by so that must mean that someone somewhere out there is still interested in what I have to say. Right now I am waiting on laundry to dry. I would rather be sleeping. I haven't stopped running on overload since October. My life is screaming GOGOGOGOGOGO and my heart is just sitting back all petulant and shit going, "Fuck you, Lady!" Seriously. And sleep? I don't get nearly enough, lately.

I was so exhausted the other day that the Punk could not get me up for nothing. She would try to rouse me and I would hear her but I just couldn't come around to awake or vertical. Then I hear..."Daddy? Mommy won't wake up. Where's the butter?"

Ever see a fat woman leap all ninja style off the couch and into a standing alert position from near comatose?

Um, yeah. It musta been hilarious cuz the Punk giggled.

I know I have been all horrible and shit not to have kept the masses entertained these last few months. So sue me. Well...don't sue me cuz I am broke and you wouldn't get shit. But be happy that I have a computer back in my room and can now blog at will and don't have to be at the mercy of a laptop. Crazy shit has been happening, and believe it or not, I have been taking notes.


Yup. Notes. I knew one day I would get around to sharing. Wanted to make sure I had something to share when I did. (I actually just spelled SHART instead of share and was going to leave it had I not just gotten spanked by spell check. Told you I was tired.)

We have been boating lately. Boating. Yay. Mostly it is fun except for the nagging Fat Cranky Bastard. One of these days we just may come back from a trip short one passenger. Or at least he will be less of a man since I will chew his ass off for yelling at me. He is rusty at boating. I am new at it. That doesn't make for a fun little sail around Small World or anything. If he could kill me with a life preserver he would try it.

Lots going on there, and like I said I took notes. I have so much to share and so much to get into and ooooooppps. There went the dryer buzzer. Night y'all. Tomorrow is another day and I have to start it at the pediatrician's office. Punk has pink eye. And hives. Something going on there. Rather catch it early before I catch it too. More to come....

***I just saw that someone out there found my blog by googling "Tom Kruse shirtless". Umm...folks, Tom Kruse invented the Hoveround mobility chair. Not exactly the spankable material you were looking for, huh?


Meuse said...

oh what joy- what bliss, you are all bloggie again... yay... even though i know whats been going on cuz i have sorta been there... im still waiting on eggshells to see how you narrate the adventures...

ChiTown Girl said...

Welcome back, my friend!!! You've been missed. I hope your holidays were wonderful, but just screwed up enough to provide us with loads of blog fodder!!

Grandy said...

Hey you!! YAY!! I am SO not going to admonish you for not posting here. I actually just kinda got worried that you were not feeling well. I'm sorry! I'm glad your back. Take another sabatical if you need it. ;)

Feisty Irish Wench said...

I've missed you...

word verf: ousse
We're fresh out of M's for the Mousse, but you can still have the ousse.

The Girl Next Door said...

Welcome Back! Must be something in the Bloggy Air b/c I stopped blogging regularly about the same time you did. Just too much going on. I am supposed to be working right now but am catching up on old Bloggy Friends. Hope to hear more from you!