Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What's Up Wedesday

So how is your Wednesday going? Mine? So far so good. I have rebelled all week from going to the house. I think I have moving issues or change issues or I can't believe the house is almost finished and I am sick and tired of painting and cleaning and I just can't muster the gumption to finish the damn project issues. Oh and then there was that whole food-poisoning/Rotovirus for the weekend...and Monday/Tuesday issue. I have spent half the week in bed. FCB has been chomping at the bit to get me to get up and go finish the house with him. I don't wanna. If I finish I have to move. If I move I lose closet space. See? That's a good enough reason to stay in bed right there!

Speaking of staying in bed...I have been having some wacky dreams lately. Involving people from my distant past. I chalk it all up to my subconscious resistance to moving. I don't deal well with change. Hell, I don't even like to make change. Or carry change. The jingling bugs me.

Anyway...while I was down sick one of the past few days, Punk decided that I needed soup and ice to make me feel all better. But of course, delivering these things to me required me to get out of bed to help her make these things. She decided to inform me that our refrigerator produces ice, "little ice", and lemons. She based this all on the little pictures on the automatic ice maker. The water drop is the ice. The "little ice" is crushed, and the whole ice cubes are lemon wedge shaped. Thus? My fridge produces lemons. Viola!

"Mommy? Where's the soup button?"

So how is your Wed-Nes-Day going?

Mine is about to get more tedious as I am about to head to the house to clean and finish painting. FCB is so totally going to have to build me a pool. And a hot tub. And buy me a golf cart. Something has to make up for me losing closet space.


Feisty Irish Wench said...

Meanwhile, my house has puked all over itself from my attempts to get things ready for baby, and bringing an assload of baby stuff from your garage to my house with no closets. It could be worse, you could be moving to a house like mine....

The Girl Next Door said...

Where's the soup button? I love that child! Hope you are feeling better! MAKE HIM PAY AND PAY EaRLY for the whole closet thing.....I never did get proper retribution...

Sam said...

I love your daughter's little questions. She always cracks me up (just like her momma).

Chantelle said...

Hope you're feeling better now!

And nothing EVER makes up forlosing closet space....ever, ;)